System requirements
The following browsers are supported:
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft Edge (supported on Windows 10)
- Apple Safari 11
- Internet Explorer 11
Recommended Server Hardware (Minimum)
- Quad-core x64 2 GHz CPU or higher (x64 compatible dual-core 1.5 GHz processor)
- 16GB Memory (8GB Memory)
- 40GB free hard disk space (10GB free hard disk) SSD Recommended
Supported Operating Systems
The following operating systems are supported with the recommendation that the latest Windows updates are applied.
- Windows Server 2012 R2 x64 Datacenter / Standard
- Windows Server 2016 x64 Datacenter w/ Containers
- Windows Server 2016 x64 Datacenter w/ Containers
Supported SQL Server Editions
The following SQL Server Editions are supported with the recommendation that the latest Windows updates are applied.
- SQL Server 2019
- SQL Server 2017
- SQL Server 2016
- Azure SQL Service
Internet Information Services (IIS)
- IIS 10, Windows Server 2016
- IIS 10.0, Windows 10 & Windows Server 2019
Optional Software Components
- SQL – SQL Word Breakers
- SQL – SQL Server Agent Service
- SQL – Server Full-Text Indexing